DOI : https://doi.org/10.51706/2707-3076-2022-6-5
The article considers important aspects of the use of A. Makarenko’s pedagogical heritage in designing the content of preparing future social workers for professional activity; the requirements for designing the content of training for specialty 231 «Social Work» are highlighted; the content
of master’s training according to the requirements of the modular system of education is developed, the advantages of the specified system as the most effective for preparation of masters of social work are shown.
The main requirements for structuring the content of training of masters of social work are highlighted: they are systematic nature of training, mutual subordination, holistic perception and presentation of the entire amount of information of the discipline, continuity, choice of individual trajectory in mastering the content of education, content updating, technological development of the skills of reflective culture in undergraduates, activity approach.
The advantages of the modular system of training of masters of specialty 231 «Social work» on the basis of creative use of pedagogical heritage of A. Makarenko are singled out: clear structure of each educational course, orderliness; the ability to track the relationships between elements; clarity, awareness of perspective; individual approach to learning; flexibility in providing information; development of productive thinking; multifunctionality; the possibility of self-control of undergraduate studies and their own activities as a teacher; activation of cognitive activity; complexity, focus on the prospect of promotion; the accumulative principle of evaluating the work of undergraduates; possibility of self-control and self-assessment; formation of independence; training according to persona; choice, i.e. a certain
freedom; responsibility for your choice; formation of a subjective position in educational activities; the ability to adapt educational content to the needs of undergraduates; selection of content in
accordance with the problem stated by the master; taking into account the interests and problems of undergraduates; flexible schedule of learning new content and new methods; accumulative principle in self-esteem.
The conclusion is made about the need to form the subjective position of masters, their independence, their ability to make decisions in specific situations, take responsibility for the results of their own activities; provide training, practice qualities of the social teacher on the basis of A. Makarenko’s techniques.