DOI: https://doi.org/10.51706/2707-3076-2023-9-24
The scientific review article, based on the analysis of scientific literature, presents the essential characteristics of emotional burnout of preschool teachers. A review of existing research by scientists is carried out. It is emphasised that the problem of emotional burnout of educators today is one of the most important and complex, as it concerns the physical and mental health of specialists. It is determined that the emotional burnout of educators arises due to the fact that during their pedagogical activities they constantly face objective difficulties, the stressful nature of the activity itself, and the accumulation of negative emotions. It is proved that although emotional burnout is currently one of the most studied psychological phenomena, psychology lacks a holistic and consistent understanding of it. It is emphasised that scientists are studying the process of teacher burnout to a greater extent, but the problem of burnout of preschool teachers is insufficiently studied. The definitions of the concepts of ‘emotions’, ‘burnout’, ‘emotional burnout’ are analysed. It has been determined that although the term ‘burnout’ is interpreted differently by scientists, psychologists, and educators, they all associate it with emotional exhaustion. It is emphasised that emotional burnout does not pass without consequences for the body, as it devastates a person emotionally, negatively affecting his or her physical and mental state. It is noted that all professionals can burn out, but for some it happens much faster and becomes noticeable quite early, while for others burnout occurs slowly. The author gives his own definition of the concept under study and reveals the causes of emotional burnout. The symptoms, signs, stages, causes and models of emotional burnout are revealed. It is established that the symptoms and signs of emotional burnout do not have a single classification, but some of them – fatigue, exhaustion, cynicism – are noted by all scientists. It is found that emotional burnout does not occur suddenly, but goes through several stages in its development. It is substantiated that knowing the characteristics of symptoms, signs and stages of emotional burnout, it is possible to notice it in time and take appropriate measures. The rules for avoiding emotional burnout are determined. Significant and minor rules for avoiding emotional burnout are identified. It is noted that emotional burnout can happen not only to educators who have been working for a long time, but also to young professionals who are just passing the stage of becoming a professional.