DOI : https://doi.org/10.51706/2707-3076-2024-10-1

Keywords: flipped classroom technology, computer science lesson, elementary grades, efficiency, digital skills


The article is devoted to the "inverted classroom" technology. Purpose: to carry out a systematic analysis of the application of the "flipped classroom" technology in computer science lessons in elementary grades. The publication uses theoretical methods of scientific and pedagogical research, in particular: system-structural analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, abstraction, generalization. The essence of the "inverted classroom" technology has been clarified. A comparative analysis of the researched technology with the traditional learning technology was carried out according to certain characteristics. The reasons for using the "inverted classroom" technology in computer science lessons in elementary grades are outlined. The peculiarities of the application of the researched technology are analyzed. The optimal methods and means of the "inverted classroom" technology are singled out. Models of implementation of this technology were analyzed. A number of recommendations on the effective use of technology in computer science lessons in elementary grades are highlighted. On the basis of the conducted research, it was concluded that the "inverted classroom" technology, provided it is properly organized, can be effective, increasing the level of motivation and success of younger schoolchildren. The "flipped classroom" allows for a change in the approach from passive to active learning, thanks to which elementary school students in computer science classes will have more time for practical work, which can help them better develop digital skills. The features of the researched technology are that it focuses attention on the effective use of learning time in the classroom, promotes individualization of learning, allows younger students to take responsibility for learning, strengthens the interaction between the teacher and the student, and changes the role of the teacher in the educational process from a translator to a facilitator. In the course of the research, the implementation model of the "inverted class" technology was adapted for computer science lessons in elementary grades, and tasks were developed for selected topics. It was found that the choice of the model depends on many factors, in particular: the topic of the lesson, the level of training of students, access to resources, planning of each stage. Therefore, the flipped classroom technology has significant potential to improve the quality of computer science education in elementary grades.

Author Biographies

Marianna Shvardak, Mukachevo State University

doctor of pedagogical sciences

Tetyana Mochan, Mukachevo State University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
