About the Journal

The periodical “Scientific Journal of Khortytsia National Academy” began its activity in 2019 with the aim of expanding the range of academic and pedagogical community's possibilities for publishing the results of current research and sharing experience of the best educational and social practices. Another purpose of the journal is to create conditions for public discussion of the course and results of experiments, as well as approbation of fundamental scientific and methodological researches, which will promote scientific progress in the fields of pedagogy and social work and have an impact on the sphere of academic and educational policy of Ukraine.

The journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category "B"), which can publish the results of theses for
the degrees of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Science) in the specialities 011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, 015
Professional Education, 016 Special Education, 231 Social work (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1017 dated
The journal is included in the search engine of the open database Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International (ICV 2021:75.34),
search engine of the citation database Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), in the databases ICI World of Journals, "Ukrainika Naukova" and the
Ukrainian journal of scientific abstarcts "Dzherelo". The journal is placed in the Catalog of Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine of the Vernadsky
National Library of Ukraine; it uses services of the database CrossRef.The scholarly journal welcomes manuscripts of authors from around the world and accepts the full range of theoretical and practical studies in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English.

ISSN: 2707-3076

Certificate of state registration: КВ №24104-13944Р from 22.07.2019

Frequency: Journal articles are compiled into issues with their own content pages and are published in a separate issue twice a year.

Each issue of the journal and its articles are assigned a DOI ID.


Journal sections:

  1. General pedagogy and history of pedagogy.
  2. Theory and methodology of educational management
  3. Theory and methodology of education.
  4. Primary education.
  5. Secondary education.
  6. Vocational education.
  7. Special education.
  8. Social work.


Scientific Journal of Khortytsia National Academy (Series: Pedagogy. Social Work) is the official journal of the Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy" of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, which seeks to publish articles of the highest scientific quality. Khortytsia National Academy, as the founder of the periodical publication, has extensive experience in conducting scientific research on topical socially significant issues, as well as cooperating with leading experts in the field of pedagogy, social work in Ukraine and abroad.

The Scientific Journal of Khortytsia National Academy (Series: Pedagogy. Social Work) was created to share advanced achievements of educational and social practices in interdisciplinary comparative discourse.

In our opinion, the all-Ukrainian sphere of distribution of the journal does not limit the possibility of specialists from other countries to join its activity, since the problems of educational management, primary education, vocational education, special education and social pedagogy need to be solved in the globalized scientific space. We are interested in the involvement of scientists from Ukraine and other countries of Central, Eastern and Western Europe in solving the issues raised in our publication. The three languages of the journal (Ukrainian, Russian, English) should become a tool to facilitate such scholarly discussion.

Our journal adheres to an open access policy. All the past issues of the journal as well as the current one are available in full on the publication's website. Scientific libraries and other academic institutions are permitted to include issues of the journal in repositories. We adhere to the principle of double-blind reviewing, as well as the reviewing procedure performed by two independent experts who are members of the editorial board and / or external experts of the journal.

In our opinion, the creation of the scientific journal that adheres to the principles of openness, objectivity and scientific accuracy is an urgent need of our time. This type of publications should be the flagship of modern science in introducing advanced socio-educational technologies, forming the outlook of young scientists, as well as directing the movement of enterprising professionals to a qualitative change in state policy in the fields of education and social work.

The journal pays particular attention to research in the field of pedagogy of life creativity which focuses on the development of social and life practice of subjects of training in the educational and rehabilitation space. We are actively interested in systematic studies of the inter-determination of the educational and social components in the formation and development of individuals, who are capable of consciously designing life successes, realizing the ideas and creatively correcting independent sociocultural influences to achieve the set life goals.

The key benchmarks of pedagogy of life creativity are:

- the principle of developing systems of educational institutions of different types as open, socially-active, based on partnership, coordination of efforts of all their subjects;

- orientation of educational, educational-and-rehabilitation as well as inclusive systems on expanding the range of pupils’ social practices;

- directing the educational influences of higher education institutions on developing in students of pedagogical specialties the ability to support the social and life practices of children;

- technological support of higher education institutions of the development of job seekers’ competitiveness in the labor market, taking into account employers' requests for a repertoire of social and life practices of educational institutions graduates;

- implementation of knowledge-intensive development of life-creating personally-oriented educational technologies;

- systematic studies of educational and rehabilitation effects on the development of social practice of children (including children with special needs);

- monitoring the impact of a broader range of social and life practices of education seekers on the development of their life competencies.

We invite representatives of different pedagogical disciplines and related sciences to publish texts that present theoretical analyzes, descriptions and generalizations of the empirical research results, as well as their reflections on the range of problems mentioned above.

Scientific Journal of Khortytsia National Academy (Series: Pedagogy. Social Work) is published by Khortytsia National Academy. Legal address of the publishing house: Zaporizhzhia, Naukove Mistechko Street, 59.


Principles of editorial policy of the Scientific Journal of Khortytsia National Academy:

  • open access to content (licensed by Creative Commons ("Cited by authorship - non-commercial use - distribution on the same terms") 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA0)), which allows others to freely read, download, copy and print the submitted materials, search for content and refer to published articles, distribute their full text and use it for any legitimate non-commercial purpose (including educational or scientific) and mandatory reference to the authors of works and the initial publication in this journal;
  • objectivity and impartiality in the selection of articles for publication;
  • demanding quality of scientific research;
  • double "blind" review of articles, clear and understandable review criteria, their content and scientific nature;
  • collegiality in making decisions on the publication of articles;
  • accessibility and efficiency in communication with authors;
  • adherence to the ethics of scientific research;
  • adherence to the magazine's schedule.